Proteção dos Rios

Uma organização dedicada à preservação da fauna, flora e qualidade da água.

a flock of ducks floating on top of a lake
a flock of ducks floating on top of a lake
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers
a tree branch with green leaves against a blue sky
a tree branch with green leaves against a blue sky
a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background
a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background
a group of people swimming in a body of water
a group of people swimming in a body of water
a tree filled with lots of pink flowers under a blue sky
a tree filled with lots of pink flowers under a blue sky

Proteção dos Rios

Descubra como a Salve Rios atua na proteção dos rios na região de Marabá, defendendo a Mata Atlântica e promovendo um desenvolvimento sustentável.


Rua das Águas, 123


Seg-Sex: 9h-17h